Covid-19 Information

School District Websites
K-12 Student Educational Resources
Kinder, 1st and 2nd Grade Materials
3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Materials
6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Materials
9th, 10th, 11th, & 12th Grade Materials
Nevada Department of Education
Jobs & Unemployment
Where is my Economic Impact Payment? – Track Here
Nevada Unemployment Office – File Here
DETR Job Connect Call Center – File Here
Tips on Filing for Unemployment in Nevada
Call Center Phone Numbers:
North: 775-684-0350
South: 702-486-0350
Rural: 888-890-8211
Health Department Resources
Southern Nevada Health District
Nevada Dept. of Health and Human Services
SBA Resources Guides
Your Vegas Chamber has provided a great page with resources to understand the SBA programs. Click Here!
Bank Programs & Services
The Bankers Association has compiled a list of programs and services that banks are offering to help is this time of need. Click here to access those resources.
Local Resourses
Click here to download a list of community resources.
Grocery Delivery for Seniors & other high-risk residents provided by Moonridge Foundation
Children with special needs
Click here to access the Grant a Gift Foundation website that has great resources for your children with special needs.
Food Pantry & Meal Resources
Clark County School District
Clark County School District Breakfast and Lunch
The Clark County School District (CCSD) will continue providing breakfast and lunch to students during the closure of our schools beginning Monday, March 16, 2020.
Student food distribution pods will be set up at various school locations throughout the valley from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m
Nonprofits & Local Businesses
Groceries and emergency food programs are available Monday – Friday at 702-462-2253 or the link above.
Free shopping services to those populations at higher risk of contracting the novel COVID-19 virus, to include individuals over the age of 60 or those with impaired immune systems.
Enter your zip code to find food pantries in your area.
If your kids are hungry, Aloha Kitchens are offering meals during select times while supplies last. Visit their Facebook page for more information.
Stacks and Yolks are offering food for children at various locations during the week, at various locations.
at home educational resources
Free WiFi for Students
Charter Communications is offering free access to Spectrum Broadband and Wi-Fi for 60 days for new K-12, college student households, and more. Visit the link above or call 1-844-488-8395 for more information.
Student Learning Extension Opportunities:
Activities from the Clark County School District for students to engage in learning at home, available in both English and Spanish.
Additional Websites:
PBS Learning MediaPhonics Hero
Scholastic Learning At HomeBrainPOP
National Geographic for KidsLearning A-Z
Adventure Academy: Free for 30 days. Students get an avatar and coins for completing challenges in all subjects of learning.
Mental Up: Fun brain games
PBS Kids: Odd Squad, Design Squad, Wild Kratz, Word Girl Games, and Videos
WordScapes: Word game
Epic: Digital Books
Search: Multiplication and division facts